Cyberattacks Review for Lunar New Year Holidays: IPv6 Attacks Increase 20 Times Year over Year

Lunar New Year Attack Trends

For the first time in history, the 2022 Lunar New Year coincided with the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. As families and friends celebrate the festivities, CDNetworks is working harder than ever to protect online transactions, networking sites, and servers from cyberattacks.

According to data collected by the CDNetworks security platform, network and application layer attacks continue to rise year over year, with an increasing number of bad actors stepping up fraudulent activities during the Lunar New Year.

The CDNetworks security platform uses several metrics to analyze attacks and help organizations improve their cyber security defense systems. Key performance indicators that are measured include the number of attacks, amount of traffic, attack types, and attack targets.

Cyberattacks Multiply When the Lunar New Year Meets the Winter Olympics

During the Lunar New Year, the CDNetworks security platform monitored and blocked 806,000 network layer attacks. This figure is 2.25 times greater than the same period last year. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks exceeding 100G occurred 7 times during the 2022 Lunar New Year compared to just once over the same period last year. Maximum bandwidth peaked at 207.99Gbps — 1.66 times more than the same period last year.

The overlap of the Lunar New Year with the Winter Olympics saw a 2.79 times increase in web attacks over the same period last year, with attacks against IP addresses increasing by 48.59%. By comparison, public reports show roughly 450 million cyberattacks during the 2021 Summer Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. To add insult to injury, the official website and TV services of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics were cyber attacked during the opening ceremony.

IPv6 Security Threats Jump Dramatically

Compared with Lunar New Year 2021, the number of IPv6 web attacks monitored and intercepted by the CDNetworks security platform soared to 21.37 times over the same period last year, with the number of IPv6 attacks increasing by 138.44%.

According to data from, the National IPv6 Development and Monitoring Platform in China, the number of active IPv6 Internet users in China has exceeded 600 million as of December 2021. This figure accounts for more than 60% of all active IPv6 Internet users worldwide.

The surge in IPv6 attacks and number of attacked IP addresses show that as more IPv6 users and devices connect to networks, the increasing vulnerabilities they represent are growing as well. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that IPv6 security threats demand urgent attention.

The Gaming Industry Remains the Number One Target of DDoS Attacks

Gaming, finance, and e-commerce are the most targeted industries of DDoS attacks at the network layer. The top industries attacked by L7 DDoS attacks are gaming, software information services, film, and media information. As such, the gaming industry has suffered a double punch from DDoS attacks.

Top 3 Industries Attacked by Network Layer DDoS Attacks During the Lunar New Year During The 2021 and 2022 Lunar New Year

Top 3 Industries Attacked by Network Layer DDoS Attacks


Top 3 Industries Attacked by L7 DDoS Attacks During the Lunar New Year During The 2021 and 2022 Lunar New Year

Top 3 Industries Attacked by L7 DDoS Attacks

The holiday season is a popular time for consumers to conduct online transactions. This trend has attracted the attention of hackers. The motives for cyberattacks vary — from financial gain (such as stealing money from financial accounts, stealing credit-card information, breaching data, and demanding ransom) to encouraging customers to switch to competitors, causing financial and reputation damage, and shutting down online businesses.

CDNetworks Flood Shield is a cloud-based DDoS solution that delivers fast, simple, and effective protection in real time to protect origin servers from DDoS attacks. Based on massively big data, AI machine learning, and self-developed algorithms, Flood Shield identifies malicious attack traffic accurately and mitigates it automatically to achieve full-stack intelligent protection against network layer and application layer DDoS attacks. The comprehensive protection delivered by the platform exceeds 15T/1 billion QPS.

Read More: CDN Benefits

Web Attacks Rise Significantly in Manufacturing

During the 2022 Lunar New Year, web attacks focused on software-information services, manufacturing, and transportation industries.

The Top 3 Industries Attacked by Network Layer DDoS Attacks During the Lunar New Year During The 2021 Lunar New Year

Top 3 Industries Attacked by Web Attacks

With attempts to accelerate digital transformation, the manufacturing industry has witnessed huge amounts of industrial data being connected to the Internet. The financial gains associated with industrial data makes it attractive for profit-seeking hackers, vandals, and fraudsters. It’s no surprise, then, that manufacturing organizations are at a significantly high risk of being targeted by hackers compared to 2021. The rise in attacks has forced manufacturing organizations to build harder, more secure network-security systems.

Introducing CDNetworks’ Cloud Security Solutions

CDNetworks’ cloud security solution integrates cloud WAF, DDoS protection, bot management, and API security products that work in concert to defend against network layer  application layer attacks. The synergy from merging a powerful intelligence library with advanced machine learning algorithms enables CDNetworks’ security solution to conduct continuous analysis of attack logs and access logs automatically, adjust rules adaptively, and provide in-depth defenses against even the most virulent cyberattacks with a network-wide distributed defense architecture.

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