Virtual Waiting Room on the Edge

Empowering businesses to turn high-traffic moments into sales opportunities. Keep your website online and customers engaged under high load conditions.

CDNetworks’ Virtual Waiting Room solution acts as a virtual queue for your website, handling traffic surges gracefully by directing visitors to a customized, branded waiting page, where they see their number in line and estimated wait time. Visitors flow back to your site at the rate it can handle in a fair, controlled order.

The solution is fully customizable, with waiting room functions rooted in Edge Cloud Apps and Edge KV used to maintain real-time visitor status synchronization across global Points of Presence (PoPs). This approach ensures a seamless, positive experience for every visitor, prevents website crashes, reduces strain on origin servers, and maintains availability even during periods of peak traffic while visitors wait for access.

Waiting Room Diagram


Flexible Traffic Control

Fine-tune your waiting room strategy with advanced settings. Set custom capacity, traffic thresholds, user identification, and wait times for optimal flow and service quality.

Equitable Queue Management

Guarantee a fair, first-in, first-out queue for all users, or prioritize queue access based on your own defined criteria.

Customizable & On-Brand

Maintain a consistent brand experience with a fully customizable waiting room page. Add your logo, use brand colors, and craft engaging messages.

Effortless Integration

Easily deploy a Virtual Waiting Room on your website or application in seconds using CDNetworks’ serverless Edge Applications (minimal code required).

Unstoppable Performance at Scale

Built on a global network of over 2800 PoPs, our solution scales automatically to handle traffic surges and spikes, prevents your site from crashing under high traffic conditions, and allows you to keep selling during peak loads without expensive over-provisioning.

Manage Surge Traffic for a Better User Experience

Crash-Free Performance

Ensure your website stays online and responsive, even during massive traffic spikes, preventing costly downtime and frustrated customers.

Traffic Load Balance

Distribute users evenly across a virtual queue, providing equal access for all, regardless of when they arrive.

Enhanced Website Security

Add an extra layer of protection against bots and malicious traffic, safeguarding your website and user data during high-traffic events.

Consistent Brand Engagement

Consistent Brand Engagement

Maintain a unified brand experience by customizing your waiting room page, engaging users, and reinforcing your brand identity, even while visitors maintain their position in the queue.

Cut Infrastructure Expenses

Handle traffic surges without the need for costly server upgrades or increased bandwidth, optimizing your IT spending.

Cut Infrastructure Expenses

Improve Conversion Rate

Safeguard your online transactions from interruptions and sluggish application performance during peak traffic, preventing lost revenue and disgruntled customers.

How a Virtual Waiting Room Can Benefit Your Site

A Virtual Waiting Room is the ideal solution for websites that are prone to sudden spikes in traffic.

Flash Sales & Promotions

Manage limited-time offers and prevent your site from crashing under the weight of eager shoppers.

Product Launches

Build anticipation and deliver a smooth and fair experience for customers eager to access your latest product offerings.

Ticket Sales

Whether it’s a concert, sporting event, or conference, make sure all visitors have a fair chance to get tickets in high-demand situations.

Travel & Hospitality Seat Booking

Manage high-demand seat bookings for flights, tours, or unique travel experiences, ensuring fairness and the assurance that you will never exceed system capacity, even during peak seasons.

Healthcare Appointment

Manage the release of high-demand appointment slots, ensuring a smooth and equitable booking process for patients while reducing website strain.

Online Courses & Webinars

Create a smooth enrollment or registration process for high-demand online learning experiences.


Efficient Distribution

Flexible Traffic Control

Fine-tune your waiting room strategy with advanced settings. Set custom capacity, traffic thresholds, user identification, and wait times for optimal flow and service quality.

Serverless Cloud Gaming

Effortless Integration

Easily deploy a Virtual Waiting Room on your website or application in seconds using CDNetworks’ serverless Edge Applications (minimal code required).

Game Spikes Colorful Wave

Equitable Queue Management

Guarantee a fair, first-in, first-out queue for all users, or prioritize queue access based on your own defined criteria.

High-Conversion Monetization​

Unstoppable Performance at Scale

Built on a global network of over 2800 PoPs, our solution scales automatically to handle traffic surges and spikes, prevents your site from crashing under high traffic conditions, and allows you to keep selling during peak loads without expensive over-provisioning.

Entertainment Live Streaming Solution Online Gaming

Customizable & On-Brand

Maintain a consistent brand experience with a fully customizable waiting room page. Add your logo, use brand colors, and craft engaging messages.

Reliable Digital Protection​

Can you please add another one

Robust digital protection is essential for safeguarding player information and company assets.