CDNetworks Unveils State of Web Application and API Protection 2023 Report - News Banner

State of Web Application & API Protection Report 2023

The global cyberthreat landscape in 2023 remained extremely disconcerting. Driving this concern was the fact that the number of disclosed common security vulnerabilities, including high-risk vulnerabilities with active exploitation, reached new heights compared to previous years. The advancement of generative AI, machine learning, and automation is accelerating the number of attack techniques, adding uncertainty and complexity to cybersecurity defenses.

The latest WAAP report revealed an alarming shift in all types of attacks & provided detailed recommendations for deploying WAAP strategies:

  • CDNetworks’ security platform monitors and intercepts 545 billion DDoS attack, a year-on-year increase of 26.05%
  • 6 billion web application attacks were detected and blocked throughout the year, an increase of 4% compared to 2022.
  • The percentage of attacks against APIs continue to rise, reaching 63%.
  • CDNetworks security platform monitored and intercepted over 239.3 billion bot attacks, a year-on-year increase of 46.63%
  • Recommendations for implementing a WAAP protection architecture
  • And more

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