Zero Trust: A New Approach to Preventing Data Loss

Zero Trust A New Approach to Preventing Data Loss - CDNetworks


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A variety of recent trends have forced businesses to rethink their approach to data loss prevention. Digital transformation, the accelerating shift to the cloud, the proliferation of SaaS applications, and switching to hybrid work have made businesses more vulnerable to data breaches.

Traditional approaches to security, which trusted devices within a perimeter or firewall, or even those connected by a VPN, are no longer relevant in these complex networks.

Data breaches are costing businesses more than ever. According to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach 2022 Report, the average cost of a data breach in the ASEAN region was US2.87 million, rising from US$2.71 million in 2021. There is a clear necessity for enterprises to make a radical shift in their data loss prevention strategy. One new approach to deal with data loss risk is the zero trust security model.

In fact, the zero trust approach is also receiving support from various government bodies as they introduce compliance requirements for organizations to follow. In the US, a White House Executive Order specifically mandated a zero trust approach as a best practice for modern cybersecurity programs across sectors.

It’s a complex area, so let’s get started with a simple explanation of the zero trust security model.

A Quick Definition of Zero Trust Data Protection

Zero Trust Data Protection is a cybersecurity model that applies the principles of zero trust to data access and data protection.

The Zero Trust model is a modern security strategy based on the principle: never trust, always verify. Instead of assuming everything behind corporate firewalls is safe, zero trust principles assume a breach and verify each request as though it’s from an open network.

Forrester Research first defined zero trust in 2010. Back then, some technologies lacked the required integration capabilities, limiting the move away from network-centric security policies. Fast forward 10 years, and it’s a different story. Now, there are lots of options focused on access control, making zero trust data security much easier to implement.

How Zero Trust Protects Enterprise Data

Zero Trust architecture relies on distinct techniques to be adopted across key pillars, including those on the user end, at the application or data level, and during transmission.

Here’s a quick summary of the essential features of successful zero trust security policies:

  • Always assume the network is hostile.
  • Acknowledge the presence of internal and external threats within the network.
  • Understand that the network’s location is not enough when deciding whether you can trust it.
  • Set up authentication and authorization processes for every user, device, and network.

Protection from User Side

On the user side, zero trust goes beyond user and device identification. It has evolved to include integration with an Identity Access Management (IAM) system and authentication through multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-On (SSO).  Every device or user is authenticated and explicitly authorized using least privilege access control so that access is only given to essential data under the user’s authority scope. The security of the user’s device is also checked to avoid cyber threats like malware and ransomware

Protection from Application/Data Side

At the application or data level, zero trust eliminates the attack surface from the network and creates a safe zone for sensitive data. The connections are directly from the user to the app or between apps, which help eliminate lateral movement within the network and prevent compromised devices from infecting other resources. Users and apps  are invisible to the network, so they can’t be discovered or attacked. Data loss protection features also prevent cases of screenshots, printing, copy and paste, file transmission, and may even generate a watermark.

Protection from Data Transmission

In zero trust architecture, several techniques are used for data protection on the data transmission side, such as mutual TLS or MTLS, HTTPS, IPsec, and data loss protection.

A HTTPS tunnel is also used to create a secure connection between the connector and user client. It could also make a secure connection between two or more devices on a network.  MTLS is a method for mutual authentication and ensures that users at the end of a network connection have the correct private key. The TLS certificates of each party at the end will also have information for additional verification.

IPsec is a set of protocols that provides security for Internet Protocol (IP) communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP packet of a communication session. Data loss prevention involves a set of processes and tools designed to protect organizations’ sensitive data from unauthorized access.

Why is Zero Trust Data Security Important?

Zero Trust Data Protection is critical because it offers a more secure approach to managing access to an organization’s resources. Here are five compelling reasons why zero-trust is now non-negotiable.


Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Traditional perimeter-based security measures are no longer up to the job of protecting sensitive data. A zero trust security model reduces the risk of unauthorized access with constant verification and authorization.

Mobile Workforce

Remote work is here to stay, which means employees access data from more locations and devices than ever. Zero trust data security ensures the user’s identity is verified and data is protected, regardless of where it is accessed.

Insider Threats

Whether potential or accidental, insider threats pose a significant risk to data security. Zero trust network access focuses on verifying and granting permissions for every user, including those within the organization. This minimizes the potential damage from insider attacks.

Data Privacy Regulations

Regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, GDPR, and CCPA require organizations to have strict data protection measures. Zero trust data protection helps businesses comply by ensuring only authorized users and devices can access data.

Cloud Adoption

The traditional network perimeter has dissolved as businesses have migrated to the cloud. Zero trust is now vital to cloud security and the hybrid cloud, where data is accessed from various locations and devices.

Why Use CDNetworks for Your Zero Trust Architecture?

CDNetworks understands the importance of Zero Trust Architecture in today’s enterprises. With this need in mind, we offer Enterprise Secure Access (ESA), a cloud service that provides enterprises with secure remote access. ESA incorporates all the essential techniques needed for establishing zero trust access and much more, so you can continue using cloud-based applications while following hybrid working environments.

ESA is implemented with a Software-Defined Perimeter(SDP) infrastructure, which lets you enforce zero trust policies to and from any platform in any environment on any device. With ESA, you can also take advantage of CDNetworks’ globally distributed DDoS-resistant edge network to accelerate remote access and provide users with speedy and secure access to applications. The easy-to-manage platform also means you can set up and maintain applications and users individually and in batches. Furthermore, visual reports and alerts give you insights to support intelligent decision-making.

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