Security Glossary: WAF

XXE (XML External Entity)

XML External Entity (XXE) injection is a security vulnerability that occurs when an application processes XML input that includes references to external entities. Depending on the application’s permissions and configuration, a threat actor can use these entities to access the file system, interact with other systems that the application can access, or even execute arbitrary code on the server.

XXE vulnerabilities arise from XML parsers that are either outdated or not properly configured to prevent the processing of unsafe external entities. To mitigate this risk, it is recommended to configure the XML parser to disallow the use of custom Document Type Definitions (DTDs), which are often used to define external entities in an XML document.

Despite the theoretical simplicity of preventing XXE attacks, the practical implementation can be challenging. Modern web applications often consist of numerous components, each potentially incorporating its own XML parser. Identifying which components process XML and ensuring they are all correctly configured can be a complex task. In some cases, application owners may not have direct access to the XML parser configuration of specific components, further complicating the issue.

The impact of an XXE attack can vary depending on the application and the environment in which it is deployed. In some cases, an attacker might be able to read sensitive files from the server, leading to data breaches. In more severe cases, XXE can be used as a stepping stone for more dangerous attacks, such as Remote Code Execution (RCE), which can give an attacker full control over the affected server.

How do XXE Attacks work?

XXE attacks exploit vulnerabilities in an application’s XML parsing. Attackers manipulate XML input to include external entities that reference external resources. When processed by a vulnerable XML parser, these entities can lead to unauthorized access to internal files, server-side request forgery, or even remote code execution. This vulnerability occurs because XML parsers are often configured by default to process these external references, potentially leading to significant security breaches.

Examples of XXE Attacks

XXE attacks manipulate XML processors by embedding harmful external entities into XML documents. Here are a few examples:

  1. File Disclosure: Attackers can access local files on the server and extract sensitive data such as password files.


  1. Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF): Exploiting XXE to make requests to internal services from the server, bypassing firewall protections.
  2. Port Scanning: Using XXE to perform internal network scans, identifying active services within the network’s protected perimeter.

    These examples illustrate how XXE can be leveraged to compromise system security and the overall integrity of an organization.

    What are the Risks of XXE Attacks?

    XXE (XML External Entity) attacks present serious risks by exploiting vulnerabilities in XML parsers, resulting in a range of security breaches. These breaches can include unauthorized access to confidential data, potentially exposing sensitive personal and business information. Additionally, attackers can initiate denial of service (DoS) attacks by referencing external entities that consume system resources, thereby overloading servers and causing service disruptions. Furthermore, XXE attacks can act as a gateway for more severe threats, such as executing malicious code or scripts that compromise the entire system. These significant risks highlight the urgent need for robust security measures to prevent XXE vulnerabilities and protect against such attacks.

    Preventing XXE Attacks

    Preventing XXE attacks requires a comprehensive, multi-layered approach, and CDNetworks solutions provide robust support. To protect against XXE attacks, developers and security professionals should ensure that all XML parsers are configured to disable external entity processing. CDNetworks enhances system security by configuring XML parsers appropriately and offers additional layers of protection through our Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Flood Shield, which provide advanced threat detection, mitigation, and “always-on” DDoS protection.

    Furthermore, regular security assessments and code reviews should be conducted to identify and remediate potential XXE vulnerabilities in web applications. CDNetworks uses simpler data formats like JSON because JSON inherently prevents XXE (XML External Entity) attacks. Unlike XML or YAML, JSON does not support entity references and DTD (Document Type Definition), which makes it naturally resistant to XXE risks.Additionally, adopting secure coding practices and staying informed about the latest security threats and mitigation techniques are crucial for maintaining a robust security posture. These comprehensive measures collectively reduce the risk of XXE attacks and bolster overall system security.