Security Glossary: WAF

Web Skimming

Web skimming, commonly referred to as Magecart attacks, represents a sophisticated form of cybercrime targeting the theft of sensitive user information from websites. This type of attack specifically focuses on e-commerce sites and other online platforms where users input personal and financial data. The method involves injecting malicious code or malware into a website, which then covertly captures and transmits the information entered by users into the website’s forms.

The attack typically begins with the cybercriminals identifying vulnerabilities in a website’s security. These vulnerabilities might be in the website’s own code, its content management system (CMS), third-party services it uses, or in the network of a supplier connected to the site. Once a vulnerability is identified, attackers exploit it to insert malicious JavaScript code into the website. This code is often designed to blend in with the website’s legitimate code, making it difficult to detect.

When users visit the compromised website and enter their information, such as during a checkout process on an e-commerce site, the malicious code captures this data. This can include sensitive details such as credit card numbers, personal identification information, and login credentials. The stolen data is then transmitted to a server controlled by the attackers, often leaving both the website owners and users unaware of the breach.

Web skimming attacks are particularly insidious because they can go undetected for extended periods, allowing cybercriminals to gather vast amounts of sensitive data. The impacts of such attacks are far-reaching, leading to financial loss, identity theft, and damage to the reputation of the affected businesses.

Defending against web skimming requires a multi-faceted approach. Regularly updating and patching website software and infrastructure is crucial to prevent exploitation of known vulnerabilities. Implementing robust security measures like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits can help in identifying and mitigating such attacks. Additionally, website owners should monitor their sites for unusual activities or alterations in code, and employ services that specialize in detecting and blocking skimming scripts.

In summary, web skimming is a significant threat in the digital landscape, especially for online retailers and any website handling sensitive user data. Vigilance, strong cybersecurity practices, and regular monitoring are essential to protect against these stealthy and damaging attacks.