Media Delivery Glossary

Video Streaming

Video Streaming is the transmission of video files from a server to a viewer continuously. Therefore, online video is transferred in real time as is consumed. Streaming is opposite to downloading. Streaming happens in real-time. If a video file is downloaded, the viewer needs to save a copy of that entire file on the device and the video cannot play until download finishes. Whereas, if a video file is streamed, it is played without actually copying any files.

Video streaming technology has revolutionized the way media is consumed, offering a more convenient and immediate viewing experience compared to traditional downloading. In streaming, video data is sent in a continuous stream over the internet and can be watched almost instantly without the need for the entire file to be downloaded first. This is achieved through a process called buffering, where a small portion of the video file is loaded in advance to ensure smooth playback.

The efficiency of video streaming is particularly evident in its use of bandwidth. Unlike downloading, where the entire file size is transmitted regardless of whether the user watches the entire video or not, streaming only transmits the data that is being viewed. This on-demand nature of streaming makes it a bandwidth-efficient method of video delivery, especially for users who may not wish to store large media files on their devices.

Moreover, video streaming supports various adaptive streaming technologies, such as HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) and MPEG-DASH. These technologies automatically adjust the video quality based on the viewer’s internet speed and device capabilities, enhancing the viewing experience by minimizing buffering and ensuring the best possible video quality at any given time.

The convenience and flexibility of video streaming have led to its widespread adoption, with services like Netflix, YouTube, and Amazon Prime changing the landscape of entertainment. Streaming allows viewers to access a vast library of content on demand, from any device with internet access, further contributing to the growing preference for streaming over traditional download-based media consumption.