CDN Glossary

SSL Offloading

SSL Offloading is a technique used to optimize the performance of web servers by transferring the responsibility of decrypting SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encrypted traffic to a specialized device or service. SSL, now more commonly known as TLS (Transport Layer Security), is a protocol that ensures the security of HTTP traffic and requests on the internet by encrypting communications between clients and servers. This encryption is essential for protecting sensitive information from potential hackers and man-in-the-middle attacks.

The process of encrypting and decrypting SSL/TLS traffic can be compute-intensive, placing a significant load on web servers. By offloading these tasks to a dedicated device, such as a load balancer or an application delivery controller, the web server is relieved of the decryption burden. This allows the server to focus on processing and delivering content more efficiently, improving overall performance and responsiveness.

SSL offloading typically involves two main steps. First, the SSL/TLS traffic is decrypted by the offloading device, which then forwards the unencrypted traffic to the web server. The web server processes the request and sends the response back to the offloading device, which re-encrypts the data before sending it back to the client. This ensures that the data remains secure during transmission, while also reducing the processing load on the web server.

In addition to performance benefits, SSL offloading can also simplify the management of SSL certificates. Instead of managing certificates on multiple servers, they can be centrally managed on the offloading device, making it easier to update and maintain them.

Overall, SSL offloading is a valuable technique for enhancing the performance and security of web servers. By offloading the encryption and decryption tasks, it enables servers to handle more traffic and deliver content more quickly, while also ensuring the secure transmission of sensitive information.