Security Glossary: API Protection

Shadow API

A Shadow API, also known as an undocumented API, is an Application Programming Interface created and used within an organization without the knowledge or approval of its IT department. This phenomenon is a subset of the broader concept of shadow IT, which refers to the use of any software, applications, or services outside an organization’s official and monitored technological channels.

Shadow APIs often emerge in environments where developers strive for efficiency and rapid deployment. They might be developed to expedite work processes, test new features, facilitate internal operations, or provide temporary solutions to system limitations. In some cases, shadow APIs are remnants of previous software versions, left operational but no longer officially recognized or managed.

While shadow APIs can offer practical benefits, such as agility and innovation, their existence outside the purview of official IT governance poses significant risks. The primary concern is the lack of visibility and oversight. Since these APIs are not documented or monitored by the organization’s IT or security teams, they are not subject to the same security protocols and standards as official APIs. This oversight gap can lead to vulnerabilities in the system, exposing the organization to potential data breaches, compliance issues, and other security threats.

Another challenge with shadow APIs is their potential to create inconsistencies and inefficiencies in the IT infrastructure. Since they are not part of the planned architecture, they can lead to fragmentation and conflicts within the system, complicating maintenance and integration with other IT resources.

The rise of shadow APIs is primarily attributed to the rapid pace of technological advancement and the growing demand for swift and agile business operations. Developers and teams often create these APIs to bypass bureaucratic hurdles and quickly address immediate needs or opportunities.

In summary, while shadow APIs can be developed with good intentions, their existence outside formal IT channels introduces significant risks and challenges. They underscore the need for comprehensive IT governance and oversight in organizations, ensuring that all APIs, whether for internal or external use, are properly managed, documented, and secured.