Security Glossary: Zero Trust


Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN) is the next generation of WANs: It offers a completely new way of managing and operating your WAN infrastructure. This managed, secure, SD-WAN connectivity solution delivers seamless connections and optimised user experience without sacrificing security.

SD-WAN addresses many IT challenges. This approach to network connectivity can lower operational costs significantly and improve resource usage for mult-isite deployment. Bandwidth can be used more efficiently by network administrators and it can help ensure high levels of performance for critical applications without compromising security or data privacy.

SD-WAN technology revolutionizes traditional WAN by introducing greater flexibility and control. It separates the networking hardware from its control mechanism, allowing for more centralized and simplified management of the WAN. This separation enables network administrators to route traffic more efficiently, prioritizing critical applications and reducing congestion. It provides the ability to dynamically share network bandwidth across a variety of connections, such as MPLS, 4G/5G, and broadband.

One of the key benefits of SD-WAN is its ability to adapt to changing network conditions in real-time. By continuously monitoring the health and quality of different network paths, SD-WAN can automatically adjust traffic flows to the best available route. This ensures consistent performance, especially for bandwidth-intensive and latency-sensitive applications like VoIP and video conferencing.

SD-WAN also offers enhanced security features. It can integrate advanced security measures like encryption, firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems directly into the WAN. This integrated approach simplifies the security architecture and ensures consistent enforcement of security policies across all locations, a crucial aspect for businesses with a widespread geographical presence.

Moreover, SD-WAN’s scalability is a significant advantage for businesses experiencing growth or changes. It enables easy addition of new locations or adjustment of network capacities without the need for major infrastructure overhauls. This scalability, combined with cost-effectiveness and improved network performance, makes SD-WAN an attractive option for businesses looking to modernize their network infrastructure in line with today’s digital demands.