Media Delivery Glossary

Network Latency

Network latency is a critical metric in digital communications, referring to the time it takes for data to travel from its source to its destination across a network. Typically measured in milliseconds, latency is a vital determinant of the speed and responsiveness of internet connections and web services. It directly affects how quickly a site visitor can connect to a web server, have their request processed, and receive data in return.

Several factors influence network latency, including:

  1. Server Performance: The efficiency of the server hosting the web content plays a significant role in determining latency. Key performance metrics like server speed, the type of hardware used (for example, HDD vs. SDD drives), and the amount of available RAM can all impact how quickly the server processes requests. Higher-performing servers can reduce processing time, thereby lowering overall latency.
  2. Round-Trips: Round-trip time (RTT) is another crucial factor in latency. It encompasses the journey a data request takes (such as requests for HTML files, stylesheets, or script files) from the user to the web server and back. RTT is heavily influenced by the distance between the user and the web server and the number of intermediate points, such as routers and switches, through which the data travels. The greater the distance and the more intermediate points, the higher the RTT and, consequently, the overall network latency.

Latency is not just a technical measure; it has tangible impacts on user experience (UX), especially in time-sensitive online interactions. For instance, on e-commerce websites, high latency can lead to slower page loads, affecting user engagement and potentially leading to a loss in sales. In online gaming, high latency can result in lag, impacting gameplay and user satisfaction.

Minimizing network latency is crucial in the modern digital landscape, where instant access and real-time interactions are highly valued.

Can Users Reduce Latency on Their Own?

Yes, users can take steps to reduce latency on their own. By optimizing their internet connection, such as using wired connections instead of Wi-Fi, upgrading to higher-quality routers, and closing unnecessary background applications, users can improve their network performance. Additionally, adjusting settings within applications to prioritize traffic and choosing local servers can also help decrease latency. These actions are especially effective for activities requiring real-time interaction, like gaming or video conferencing.

Strategies for Reducing Latency

Reducing network latency is crucial for enhancing the performance of data transmission across a network. Here are effective strategies:

  • Optimize Routing: Use optimized network routes to decrease the distance data packets travel.
  • Upgrade Infrastructure: Improve network hardware, including routers and switches, to facilitate faster data handling.
  • Implement CDN: Deploy Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to serve data from locations closer to end-users.
  • Minimize Congestion: Regularly monitor and manage network traffic to prevent bottlenecks.
  • Use Modern Protocols: Implement faster protocols like HTTP/2 or QUIC which are designed to reduce latency.

These strategies collectively help in significantly lowering latency, thereby improving the efficiency and responsiveness of networked systems.

How CDNetworks Can Help You Achieve Low Latency Streaming

CDNetworks’ global edge network, consisting of over 2,800 CDN points of presence (PoPs), is crucial in reducing latency. By caching data in these widely distributed edge servers, CDNetworks ensures that content is delivered from the nearest location to the user, significantly minimizing latency and improving load times. This proximity-based delivery is particularly effective in enhancing the user experience for streaming content.

Additionally, leveraging WebRTC technology, CDNetworks’ Low Latency Streaming solution reduces live streaming latency to less than 500 milliseconds. This ensures a seamless glass-to-glass video experience, fostering real-time interactivity between streamers and viewers while enabling high-quality, uninterrupted video streaming.

To experience how CDNetworks can elevate your business’s video streaming quality and eliminate delays, try it for free today.