Security Glossary: Cybersecurity

HTTP Verb Tampering

HTTP Verb Tampering is a type of web security attack that targets the vulnerabilities in the authentication and access control mechanisms related to HTTP verbs (also known as HTTP methods). HTTP verbs, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, are used to define the actions to be performed on a web server. In a typical web application, certain resources and functionalities are restricted and require proper authentication and authorization to access.

However, some web applications and servers may implement access controls and authentication checks inconsistently across different HTTP verbs. For example, an application might strictly enforce security policies for the commonly used GET and POST methods but may overlook or inadequately secure less frequently used methods like PUT or DELETE. Attackers can exploit this oversight by using these neglected HTTP verbs to bypass security controls and gain unauthorized access to restricted resources or perform unauthorized actions.

HTTP Verb Tampering can lead to various security issues, including unauthorized data modification, deletion, or disclosure of sensitive information. The attack relies on the assumption that the web application’s security mechanisms are not uniformly applied across all HTTP verbs, allowing the attacker to explore and exploit any weaknesses in the implementation.

To prevent HTTP Verb Tampering attacks, it is crucial for developers and security professionals to ensure that all HTTP methods are subject to consistent and robust authentication and authorization checks. This includes validating and sanitizing input for all types of requests, implementing strict access controls for each HTTP verb, and disabling or properly securing any HTTP methods that are not required by the application. Regular security assessments and penetration testing can also help identify and address potential vulnerabilities related to HTTP Verb Tampering.

In summary, HTTP Verb Tampering is a security attack that exploits inconsistencies in the authentication and access control mechanisms for different HTTP methods. Proper security measures and vigilant monitoring are essential to protect web applications from this type of threat.