Security Glossary: Cybersecurity

HTML Injection

HTML injection is a cybersecurity threat in which an attacker inserts malicious HTML code into a website. This type of attack exploits vulnerabilities in web applications that fail to properly sanitize user input, allowing the attacker to manipulate the content and structure of web pages. HTML injection can lead to a range of consequences, from minor website defacement to severe data breaches and security compromises.

The injected HTML code can include various malicious elements, such as scripts, iframes, or links, which can be used to execute cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, steal sensitive information, redirect users to phishing sites, or perform other harmful actions. Unlike other web vulnerabilities that target server-side components or databases, HTML injection specifically targets the client-side aspect of a website, focusing on the markup language that defines the presentation of web pages.

HTML injection attacks can occur in various parts of a web application, including form fields, URL parameters, or any other input areas where user-provided data is reflected back in the webpage without proper validation or encoding. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities by crafting malicious input that, when processed by the web application, results in the execution of unauthorized HTML code within the user’s browser.

To prevent HTML injection attacks, web developers must implement proper input validation and sanitization techniques to ensure that all user-supplied data is safe before incorporating it into the HTML output. This includes escaping special characters, using secure coding practices, and employing content security policies to restrict the types of content that can be executed in the browser.

In summary, HTML injection is a significant security threat that targets the client-side aspect of web applications by inserting malicious HTML code into web pages. It is essential for web developers to adopt robust security measures to protect against this type of attack and ensure the integrity and safety of their websites.