Security Glossary: Cybersecurity

Data Breach

A data breach, also known as a data leak, occurs when sensitive, confidential, or protected data is released, exposed, or accessed by unauthorized individuals or entities in an untrusted environment. Data breaches can have severe consequences for individuals and organizations, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, legal liabilities, and loss of trust.

Data breaches can occur through various means, including:

  1. Hacker Attacks: Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in systems, networks, or applications to gain unauthorized access to data.
  2. Insider Threats: Current or former employees, contractors, or business partners with access to sensitive information may intentionally or unintentionally leak data.
  3. Unintentional Exposure: Accidental exposure of data can occur due to human error, such as misconfigured databases, lost or stolen devices, or inadvertent sharing of information.
  4. Ransomware Attacks: Attackers encrypt data and demand a ransom for its release, leading to data loss if the ransom is not paid or the data cannot be recovered.

Data breaches can result in various forms of data compromise:

  • Information Leakage (Exfiltration): Unauthorized copying or transmission of data without affecting the source data.
  • Data Loss: Complete loss of data, either through deletion or encryption by ransomware.
  • Data Misuse: Exploitation of stolen data for malicious purposes, such as identity theft, financial fraud, or espionage.

To prevent data breaches, organizations should implement robust cybersecurity measures, including regular security assessments, strong access controls, encryption, data backup and recovery plans, employee training, and incident response protocols. Additionally, compliance with data protection regulations and industry standards is essential to safeguard sensitive information and mitigate the risks associated with data breaches.