Edge Application

Experience instant global deployment of serverless applications, ensuring superior performance, unmatched reliability, and effortless scalability.

Edge Application, powered by CDNetworks’ extensive CDN network, empowers you to build and deploy serverless functions directly at the network edge. This distributed architecture brings computation and data processing closer to users, enabling ultra-low latency, rapid response times, and enhanced reliability while optimizing costs. By decentralizing application logic and reducing reliance on centralized servers, Edge Applications streamline workflows, decrease network transmission expenses, and unlock new possibilities for real-time interactions and high-availability services.


Automatic Scaling

Scale and allocate resources across more than 2800 global edge-distributed Points of Presence (PoPs), managing varying traffic loads effortlessly even during peak periods.

Rapid Function Building

Swiftly build custom functions utilizing the Web Service Worker API and our extensive library of templates, simplifying conversion of multiple functions into sophisticated workflows.

Ultra-fast Cold Starts

Enable instant code execution to our network with ultra-fast cold starts using V8 Isolates, delivering unparalleled performance and global coverage.

Enhanced Security

Run your code in an isolated sandbox environment with strict resource and permission controls, ensuring that on-demand startups use only the resources required and nothing more.

Distributed, Lightweight Storage

Integrate to Key-Value data storage services, taking advantage of ultra-fast read and write speeds with near-instant global data synchronization, high availability, and security.

Developer-First Experience

Streamline your development workflow with an all-in-one online platform backed by our dedicated support, ensuring seamless development, testing, and debugging.

Core Capabilities

Edge Application Best Practices, Virtual Room, Edge Site Building, Content Moderation, Edge Security, Web Optimization

Virtual Waiting Room

Help you manage spikes in online traffic, ensuring your website remains accessible, efficient, and responsive during peak times.

Edge Site Building

Use Edge Application to rapidly build and deploy a small static website on the CDN edge, thereby meeting specific business-access needs.

Content Moderation

Implement your rules to automatically detect, filter, and block illegal, harmful, or brand-damaging content at the edge, ensuring a safe and compliant online environment for your users.

Edge Security Enhancement

Code custom functions and leverage KV storage, achieving robust protection against hotlinking, unauthorized access, and emerging threats—all with immediate mitigation at the edge.

Website Optimization & Customization

Code your functions to optimize website-loading speeds, achieving superior SEO performance and delivering highly personalized content to end users.

No Servers to Maintain

Focus on your code and business logic while we manage the infrastructure, eliminating the need for server oversight and maintenance.

Serverless Cloud Service
Easy Onboarding Process

Effortless Onboarding

Develop and deploy in seconds, allowing your code to go live on the edge instantly and ready to handle requests with minimal setup time.

Pay As You Go

Align your costs with your usage. Pay only for the resources you consume, maximizing efficiency and minimizing expenses.

Usage chart, pay for what you use
Deploy Instantly Globally

Deploy Instantly, Execute Globally

Your code runs independently across our expansive global network with immediate activation. User requests are processed at the nearest edge-resident PoP, slashing response times and delivering a superior, high-performance experience for users worldwide.

Seamless Edge Data Management

Effortlessly build dynamic and stateful applications at the edge with our easy-to-use, highly scalable Edge KV storage, and benefit from ultra-low latency and exceptional reliability for automatic data synchronization.

Edge Data Management

How it Works

CDNetworks Edge Application simplifies serverless development and deployment at the edge. Craft and test your JavaScript code in our intuitive Cloud IDE, then deploy functions across our 2800+ global PoPs with just a few clicks to interact with your origin and front-end services. Focus on your code – we handle the rest.

Edge Application Diagram

Lower Latency and Less Bandwidth Costs

Enjoy lower latency from a distributed cloud than conventional centralized clouds by bringing your application to locations much closer to your users. Optimize bandwidth costs by allowing more data to be processed at the edge which would otherwise need to be moved around.

Lower Latency and Less Bandwidth Costs
Faster and Easier Application Delivery at Scale

Faster and Easier Application Delivery at Scale

Focus on code, not Ops, with no clusters to manage and no servers to operate. Simply push your application code and have your application delivered to the edge globally in just seconds. The far-reaching coverage provided by the ECP infrastructure reduces the need to integrate with multiple clouds in order to establish a global footprint.