CDN & Ecommerce



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In today’s competitive marketplace, more and more organizations are adopting a digital presence for their businesses. In particular, industries such as media, publishing, travel, retail, finance, and healthcare are turning to digital solutions to outpace competitors, drive sales, and raise the bottom line.

Acquiring a digital presence does not happen in a day, and having a vision is not enough. To succeed, this transformation must change the nature of shopper interactions, introduce new into-market rules and opportunities, and open unimaginable possibilities. Businesses that have not hopped onto the digital bandwagon can no longer sit on the sidelines as their competition outruns them. The longer a business delays, the more revenues are lost and the larger the gap that needs to be filled in order to play catch up to rivals.

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) has become an essential element of the digital transformation. A CDN empowers businesses to announce products and services to everyone worldwide. In past decades, traditional businesses relied on sales, agents, dealers, and third parties to sell their products and services; those third parties owned the customer relationship and minimized contact between the company and its customers. 

CDN Helps Ecommerce

Transforming technology with a CDN provides organizations with a way to bond and reconnect with their customers, without endangering third-party distribution models. CDN360 from CDNetworks provides CDN benefits that optimize latency, accelerate website performance, secure content, and deliver unparalleled intelligence. CDN360 is a simple, quick, and cost-effective way to integrate into a customer’s existing infrastructure, without forcing customers to invest in costly hardware and software expenditures or hire dedicated manpower to configure and manage the technology workflow.

If you wonder how significant a role a CDN might play to achieve success, consider the following: In 2015, PWC wrote an article called “Total Retail: Retailers and the Age of Disruption,” which reported four future “waves” of disruption that the next generation of worldwide retail businesses were likely to face:

  • An evolving online retail store
  • Influence of social media
  • Mobile technology
  • Demographic shifts

We have been living with these waves for a number of years, as millions of shoppers show their preference for viewing and purchasing products from online retailers rather than brick-and-mortar stores. And with the COVID-19 crisis disrupting traditional retail business models, the first three waves have become THE major drivers for sustaining retail businesses and extending value propositions during the current pandemic. As such, e-commerce and online shopping by static and mobile shoppers of retail products and services have reached volumes hitherto unseen. To boost online sales even more, retailers are exploring solutions such as e-wallets that enhance shopper awareness and create brand effectiveness.

To achieve and sustain this online outreach to new and prospective customers, businesses need a robust platform on which they can display and accept payment for their products. Here’s is where a CDN becomes critical.

Ecommerce Slow Affects Bounce Rate

Despite the convenience of online shopping, statistics show that a web page that is slow to load can chase away customers. This is referred to as a “bounce rate.” An analysis by Google Analytics shows that the average eCommerce bounce rate is between 20% to 45%. Bounce rates below 20% are considered good. Web pages that fail to load or load after 10 seconds or longer translate into high bounce rates. However, the result is far more serious than just losing a disgruntled customer. A poor-performing web page can ruin a company’s reputation and adversely affect the way its products are viewed by visitors to its web pages.

CDN360 boasts a unique Dynamic Web Acceleration (DWA) that delivers blazing-fast loading times in just 3-to-5 milliseconds. CDN360’s real-time dynamic interaction allows businesses to present and secure online product pictures and descriptions, and provide inventory and payment gateways, without interruption or slow responses. Customers, in turn, can easily access online stores, view products, and make purchases from any location at any time.

CDN360 also takes into account the widespread adoption of smart devices that account for up to 65% of all mobile retail traffic. Our Download Acceleration feature boosts download speeds by up to 300%.

CDNetworks is not just a CDN company. We also provide total a comprehensive solution to secure online stores with features such as an always-on Application Shield and Bot Shield, cloud-based Web Application Firewall, and a robust bot guard solution that guards customers from vulnerable attacks and hijacking without sacrificing web performance. Organizations have access to a real-time dashboard, reporting, and insights at all times. Developed from the ground up, these features work in concert to deliver a satisfying customer experience that enables companies to promote their local business while expanding their online presence worldwide. In this way, CDNetworks helps businesses increase and expand market share, develop new income streams, and reduce operating costs by 40%.

In today’s worldwide COVID pandemic environment, headlines scream about declining revenue, laid off staff, and company shutdowns. But the truth is that the COVID crisis is opening new online business opportunities for companies that embrace the new digital landscape. Everything from online shopping and food delivery to retail purchases and everything in between are creating a sustainable and continuous supply chain that meets the needs of today’s shuttered shoppers. Putting customers in the center of digital’s value chain is fundamental to discovering the next chapter of business and economy. And the key to it all is adopting a CDN!

CDNetworks is backed by a team of professional sales expertise who can work with you to understand your business goals and develop the optimum solution that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


Sabrina Chong Pei Voon
Regional Sales Manager

I have more than 15 years of IT Sales & Digital Marketing experience with proven track records in million-dollar projects, several Top Achiever awards won, and Google & AWS certified in multinational corporations after graduated from University of Toulouse, France. In the early stage of my career, I focus on customer-centric selling and learn to understand customers better through Neuro-Linguistic Program. Currently, I’m pursuing a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) at University of Putra Malaysia and a psychology practitioner at a local counseling institution. I am actively serving in Non-profit organizations for animal welfare, recycling projects, and volunteer in religious activities. I’m passionate about new technologies adoption, stock market investment, and mindfulness practicing during off-working hours.

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