5 Statistics that Prove DevOps Practices Improve Web Performance

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A recent neuroscience study measuring user reactions to network performance revealed that the stress caused by web delays is comparable to watching a horror movie! It showed that on average, single delays correlated with heart rate increase of 38%.Web Performance Effects on Stress Considering nearly half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and the average page load time for desktop and mobile is 11.8 seconds (2015), it is necessary for CDNs to adopt DevOps practices to keep website content fresh. Gartner predicts 20.4 billion connected “things” will be in use worldwide by 2020, and there is a new deployment every 11.6 seconds to a production fleet at Amazon as of 2011. IoT and DevOps are evolving from niche to mainstream strategies in Global organizations, so the modern CDN has no choice but to keep up.

The teams that bear the most burden by this perfect storm brewing beneath the surface of your web and mobile application delivery systems are the IT systems, security, and DevOps teams. As the number of devices connected increases around the globe, so will the amount of malicious traffic and DDoS attacks. Access and insights to real-time performance logs and dashboards gives your organization visibility into your sites traffic, so your teams must have access to change rules frequently to mitigate attacks and stay on-guard.

Here are some Statistics about high-performing organizations that effectively utilize DevOps principles:

  • 46x more frequent software deployments than their competitors
  • 96x faster recovery from failures
  • 440x faster lead time for changes
  • Higher levels of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency
  • 2x as likely as lowperformers to achieve reported goals across financial and non-financial measures

So, what can you do to ensure they have the tools to stay agile while maintaining optimal performance to keep users happy? DevOps, like CDN, is about delivering [in this case software] better and faster.

  1. Make sure you can rapidly purge the cache to update or recall content quickly, or test and deploy a new production environment. Reports show that organizations using DevOps are deploying 200x more frequently than the competition. Furthermore, these DevOps-friendly organizations also benefit from 24x faster recovery from failure and can minimize downtime better.
  2. Ensure your CDN can mitigate security attacks. New reports show there will be about 111 billion lines of new software code created this year, and with them will come billions of software vulnerabilities. Your CDN should be equipped to push new rules across the network to stop evolving threats.
  3. Does the CDN provide analytics and visibility into performance? CDNs receive massive amounts of data. You should have access to this information to be able to see requests immediately, at the moment the CDN serves the request to the customer.

When done correctly, service from your CDN should enable an agile organization that provides continuous delivery. If you’re interested to learn more, please attend our How-to-Webinar: Using APIs with CDNetworks or Contact Us today!


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