Adaptive Bitrate Streaming – What Is It & How Can Your Business Benefit?

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming In different rates


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Whether it’s live content or video on demand, streaming is everywhere. As online video content has proliferated, so has the variety of streaming technologies, and they’re constantly evolving to make the viewing experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Here, we will look at Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR), how it works, and how it can be a significant benefit to your business.

What is Adaptive Bitrate?

First, we should recap what bitrate is. In simple terms, bitrate measures the speed at which information is transferred over the internet. Regarding video, it refers to how much data is transferred per second, and as such, bitrate plays a vital part in producing high-quality video streams. Generally, the higher the bitrate, the higher the video quality. However, if the bitrate is too great for the bandwidth, problems such as buffering will occur.

You can learn more about the importance of bitrate in video streaming here.

Adaptive bitrate (ABR) is a video streaming method that allows each end-user to stream videos in the highest possible quality, depending on their specific streaming capabilities. ABR works by transcoding the file into multiple different bitrates, detecting the users’ conditions, and adjusting the bitrate accordingly as the video plays. Things that might affect streaming capabilities are the internet connection or the quality of the device being used.

How Does Adaptive Bitrate Streaming Work?

So, how does the process actually work? As with other forms of bitrate, it begins with the encoding/transcoding stage at the broadcaster’s end. For ABR to work, the file must be transcoded into different bitrates to be ultimately selected by the viewer’s player.

When the end-user begins viewing the video, the player selects which bitrate to stream in. Generally, this will be a lower bitrate initially. If the player can easily stream without buffering, it’ll select a higher bitrate until it reaches the highest bitrate possible with the available bandwidth. This process is known as the adaptive bitrate ‘ladder.’ Depending on network conditions, the player moves up and down the ladder in real-time.

A key reason for segmenting the video is that the ABR algorithm works by automatically adjusting the bitrate at the end of each video segment. If the bandwidth and the player struggle to facilitate the stream without buffering, the player will adapt accordingly to a lower and more manageable bitrate before the next segment.

Segmenting the video also ensures that end-users do not have to download the entire video before viewing it, which requires better connection speed.

What is the Difference Between Adaptive Bitrate and Other Forms of Streaming?

Adaptive bitrate streaming differs from other streaming forms in how the video file is delivered. Multi-bitrate streaming (MBR) is another common form similar to ABR in that it’s initially transcoded into multiple different bitrates. However, unlike ABR, MBR streaming does not automatically detect the user’s conditions and continuously looks to use the highest bitrate possible. Instead, the user selects which bitrate to view a video, and the player plays the file in that bitrate without considering fluctuations in internet speed.

Progressive streaming is where a single video file is streamed over the internet and is not transcoded into different bitrates. No matter the device’s quality and size or bandwidth capabilities, the same file will be streamed to every user and may be stretched or squashed to fit the screen.

Because these forms of streaming do not use the adaptive bitrate ‘ladder’ and automatically alter in response to conditions, this can lead to issues affecting user experience, such as buffering, increased latency, or lower quality. As such, ABR can be a great way of enhancing that experience and improving the professional look of your brand.

What Are the Benefits of Adaptive Bitrate Streaming?

ABR has many benefits for both your business and your viewers. The most obvious benefit is the improvement in video quality that ABR allows. Customers, clients, and employees can view your content in the highest possible quality that their own conditions will allow, without interruption. The high-quality level and continuous stream will keep your viewer’s attention for longer, reflecting favorably on your business.

Using a single file or video bitrate for streaming presents constraints compared to adaptive bitrate streaming. Opting for a higher video bitrate for superior quality may lead to buffering and performance problems for viewers with slower internet connections. Conversely, as a precaution, encoding a low bitrate stream diminishes quality for all users, especially on a larger screen size. In both cases, progressive streaming restricts the ability to provide viewers optimal video quality. However, adaptive bitrate streaming guarantees efficient delivery of video content tailored to each viewer’s internet speed, ensuring quality levels are maintained for everyone.

Similarly, because the player will initially select a low bitrate to watch the video, video playback will begin immediately, reducing the possibility of losing viewers due to a long initial wait to download the file.

Furthermore, given the range of technologies used nowadays, employing ABR streaming can be a useful way of making your business’s content accessible to everyone. Where previously streaming on mobile devices may have proved problematic due to limited processing power or being in an area with limited network connection, ABR reduces the likelihood of this problem. More people can view your stream on the go, ultimately increasing your brand’s reach and exposure.

Protocols Supporting Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

An important thing to note is that not all streaming protocols support the use of adaptive bitrate. A streaming protocol delivers multimedia files over the internet and regulates how the information is transferred. Different protocols have different benefits, and if you wish to stream using ABR, you must choose the appropriate protocol. ABR is predominantly streamed over HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).

HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) is one of the most popular protocols used for ABR streaming. Apple initially developed it for iOS, but other operating systems, such as Android and Microsoft Windows, have subsequently adopted it. HLS is the preferred protocol for HTML5 video players, which most web servers and browsers now run by default.

MPEG-DASH, or simply DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP), is a protocol that works across almost all new browsers. While it is not natively compatible with HTML5, it can run using JavaScript and Media Source Extensions. Whereas HLS can only run certain codecs, MPEG-DASH is codec-agnostic, meaning it can run videos in any codec form.

Our own Media Acceleration Live is a multi-protocol live streaming service, supporting both HLS and DASH with adaptive bitrate, ensuring consistent, high-quality content delivery on different devices.

Should you use Adaptive Bitrate Streaming?

In short, the benefits of using adaptive bitrate streaming can be significant to your business and will improve your overall image. While you must ensure you’re using the correct HTTP-based protocol and streaming platform, the rewards can be massive and will produce a far more pleasurable, efficient, and professional streaming experience.

Alternatives to Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

ABR video streaming isn’t the only technology available. Some of the alternatives to adaptive bitrate streaming include the following:

  • Progressive Download: With this option, the video file is downloaded to the viewer’s device and played back from the local storage. Unlike streaming, the entire video file is downloaded before playback begins.
  • Smooth Streaming: Developed by Microsoft, Smooth Streaming is an adaptive streaming protocol that dynamically adjusts video quality based on the viewer’s available bandwidth and processing power.
  • Static File Streaming: In this method, different video versions at various bitrates are created in advance and stored as separate files. Viewers can manually select the appropriate file based on their internet connection speed.
  • Peer-to-Peer Streaming: Viewers download parts of the video from multiple sources (peers) rather than relying solely on a central server. This method can reduce server load and bandwidth costs but may raise concerns about content piracy and quality control.
  • Multicast Streaming: Multicast streaming sends a single copy of the video over the network to multiple viewers. It’s an efficient way to deliver content to many viewers simultaneously. However, it requires specialized network infrastructure and is often used in closed CDN environments.

Each method has advantages and limitations, and the choice of streaming technology depends on factors such as the target audience, available infrastructure, content requirements, and budget constraints.

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: Final Thoughts

When it comes to video streaming, businesses need to focus on the user experience. ABR streaming is a reliable way to access top-quality streams across various video platforms, including mobile devices. ABR streaming has given rise to new user expectations, requiring the adoption of appropriate streaming technology to fulfill these demands effectively.

CDNetworks is the go-to solution for content providers. We offer a range of options that support HLS and MPEG-DASH protocols, included in CDNetworks’ Media Acceleration Live Broadcast and Media Acceleration VoD products. Both services impeccably support Adaptive Bitrate Streaming, ensuring smooth, high-quality delivery of video content according to the bandwidth and resolution conditions of the end user.

CDNetworks’ Media Acceleration Live Broadcast offers seamless live streaming solutions, be it for sports, gaming, corporate events, or any live interactive scenarios. With the Adaptive Bitrate Streaming, we ensure your audience experiences buffer-free streaming, regardless of their network conditions.

Meanwhile, our Media Acceleration VoD service offers a premier video on demand experience. It utilizes advanced Adaptive Bitrate Streaming, delivering perfect video quality for every viewer.

Sign up for a free trial today to find out more.

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