Security Glossary: Cybersecurity

Segmented Network

Microsegmentation is an advanced network security technique that has become increasingly important in protecting IT infrastructure against cyberattacks. It represents an evolution from traditional network segmentation methods, addressing the growing challenges and complexities of enterprise network security.

In traditional network segmentation, networks are divided into subnetworks, with traffic between these subnetworks controlled and filtered using perimeter firewalls, Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), and Access Control Lists (ACLs). This approach was effective in mitigating certain types of malware and cyberthreats by limiting their ability to move across the network. However, as network traffic volume has grown and cyberthreats have evolved, traditional perimeter-based security measures have become less effective. Particularly, they struggle to manage the internal, or east-west, traffic flow within the network, which can be exploited by attackers once they breach the perimeter defenses.

Microsegmentation addresses these limitations by implementing fine-grained security policies at a more granular level. Instead of just securing the network perimeter, microsegmentation extends security inside the network, creating microperimeters around individual or groups of IT assets. This approach allows for more precise control over internal network traffic, enabling organizations to restrict access to specific resources and applications.

One of the key benefits of microsegmentation is its ability to prevent lateral movement within the network. In a cyberattack, once attackers breach the outer defenses, they typically try to move laterally across the network to access sensitive data or systems. Microsegmentation can detect and block this movement, thereby containing the attack and minimizing its impact.

In summary, microsegmentation represents a significant advancement in network security, offering enhanced protection in an era of increasing cyber threats and complex IT environments. By enabling precise control over internal network traffic and preventing lateral movement, microsegmentation is a critical tool for organizations seeking to fortify their cybersecurity defenses.