Digital Transformation for a Post-pandemic Economy

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Life for the traditional IT business’ SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is; deploying a few servers, networks and security appliances like the firewall into a well-architected infrastructure and you get connected to the world. 


Over the last decade or so, the IT world has come a long way from a traditional design of deployment to a complex network of services connecting the offices globally to services running in the data center or via SaaS services in the cloud; this complexity not only calls for particular skill sets needed from the team, but the operational costs and investments with both on the CapEx and OpEx perspectives too.

The global digital economy has no geographical border, its potential for business extends as far as it reaches to the edges of technology where the consumer is the global market. 

The business drivers for any enterprise are no longer restricted to finding the right stores at the busiest streets of town but finding the most efficient approach to build your digital assets across the landscape of multiple resources. CDNetworks with more than 20 years of expertise of delivering content, now equipped with a sizable R&D function, has deployed services across the ICT landscape that enables enterprise to seamlessly deploy their valuable digital assets to reach their customers rapidly and securely across the global market.

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Handling Disruption in 2021


Necessity is the cause for innovation; however, no one was prepared for what is to come, and the necessary measures to take to mitigate the effects of disruption, a scale of global pandemic that will force us to consider the urgency and merit of enabling technology to ensure business continuity and resiliency for a post-disrupted world that will not just take into account – full scale riots, global pandemic lock down, natural disasters hitting centre of commerce, and political upheavals.


What is Digital Transformation?


Digital Transformation, one of the most talked about technology ideas since the “Cloud” of Internet, was acknowledged that it is a priority by more than 90% enterprises listed in the NASDAQ but less than 3% actually embarked and completed on their journey of Digital Transformation, according to the data released by SAP.


This journey is not a short-term project, it is an arduous long-term attempt to transform how businesses view its IT investment to allow a decentralised and a collaborative structure to allow business to operate in times of normal economic situation and in a disrupted economy. Necessity is the push that drives invention, but the recent disruption proves that wrong. 


Today, businesses must consider the time to re-invent the way they run their strategy and operation that drive initiatives to invent. We have no way to forecast disruption, such as the next wave of pandemic, the sudden natural disaster that hits, or a full-scale riot that incapacitates the ability for face-to-face communications.


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How Businesses can Embrace Digital Transformation 


Consider the 4 ways your business can take to enhance the platform for a collaborative communication and collaboration as part of the Digital Transformation journey for a post-pandemic world.


Enabling your internal resources for lean and agility

One of the challenges for any remote users is about accessing the enterprise applications whether it is hosted internally in an on-premise environment or in the public cloud. With the pandemic lockdown, most companies will not have the luxury of having a central command structure for collaboration within their organisation, everything must be more agile and more adaptable to the new reality for a distributed work force. 


As a result of the new norm, the public internet is put under enormous demand since the lockdown, many remote users have experienced performance issues in accomplishing their work, not to mention security concerns when any enterprises allow access of their valuable infrastructure and applications from the public internet or via the use of VPN (Virtual-Private-Network). 


The need to re-think how the underlying infrastructure must first transform in order to support the remote users as the new normal is critical.

Scale with Security for your brand and website

More and more enterprises now look to expand their digital channel capabilities to reach and engage their customers and potentially new customers due to the ban in any face-to-face meetings, their public facing digital assets need to look beyond and extend their existing resources in order to reach wider audience. 


On the other hand, as part of that strategy, the business must also consider the additional security measures and provisioning of redundancy as part of the requirement in the post-pandemic world.

Video streaming to enhance your communications


Video content has increased over the last few years and especially so in the last few months during the lockdown. As video delivers more than just words, but expressions, appeal from its motion graphics, the use of audio to provoke specific emotions are but some of the reasons why the use of Video is one of the few keys on the growth of the internet. 

Today businesses use video to promote their product or solutions, training for internal staff, and video instructions for their customers, are some of the ways to engage remote users and customers. 


However, the target audience today uses more than one device, with different platforms are a challenge for businesses to deliver the right video.

Starting on the digital transformation journey with a global technology partner


Still, it seems a daunting task for a company to start looking at deploying an enterprise digital transformation journey, and even more so, to calculate the costs of doing that in this trying times; however, the cost of not doing anything is higher when the pandemic or other disaster strikes again, which takes the business continuity plan to question once more. 


There is a global indication that these events in the last 18 months or so, points to an inevitable future that IT spending will continue to be re-directed to preparing the business readiness to handle another crisis.


In order to embark on a digital transformation strategy, COVID-19 as many recognised, presented the perfect storm to initiate innovation that must lead to change for a post-

pandemic world, in order to progress, businesses must adapt and change, build redundancy, scale, security, and performance that first, allow innovations around your business in this massively different post-pandemic world.


In conclusion, the Digital Transformation journey is not just a priority for businesses today, but a must.


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