China / Emerging Markets

Accelerate website and applications in hard to reach markets

Businesses seeking to target Chinese markets, as well as emerging opportunities in Russia, Brazil, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East, often underestimate the challenges associated with delivering web content and applications to these hard-to-serve locations. From The Great Firewall of China to regional anti-piracy laws and overall poor connectivity, delivering a streamlined content-delivery experience to these regions is harder than it appears.

CDNetworks possesses the resources and expertise to maintain the highest levels of speed and availability in hard-to-reach markets. Our deep experience with Chinese internet regulations, CDN solutions, and presence in Russia, Brazil, and the Middle East uniquely qualifies us to offer an unmatched network presence and technical compliance expertise in these locations and beyond, and to ensure unparalleled content delivery performance when your end-users need it the most.


Extensive Experience with China Regulations

A combination of the Great Firewall of China, a poor and unreliable network infrastructure, and complicated licensing agreements make it difficult for Western businesses to compete in China. CDNetworks’ extensive knowledge and experience of what it takes to deliver content to Chinese audiences enhances end-user satisfaction by reducing loss and latencies and increasing download speeds through China’s complex network environment. It also guarantees that your website complies with all Chinese regulations and licenses, allowing you to deploy and manage content in China in the same easy and flexible way you do globally.

  • CDNetworks’ strategical partner in Mainland China – TXNetworks offers proven and reliable localization services to help your businesses enter the Chinese market.
  • Robust network in China ensures content is accessible with fast load times.
  • China Premium Service provides direct routes from outside mainland China to help businesses grow inside China.
  • Key assistance with ICP licenses and questions about regulations.
  • Authorized by the Chinese government as a license registrar.

China Delivery Diagram

Presence in the Middle East

A lack of peering agreements in the Middle East results in poor internet routing, significant latencies, and interminable website delays. By deploying Points of Presence (PoPs) throughput the Middle East, CDNetworks eliminates these issues to deliver low-latency connections that allow businesses to reach new customers and scale to new markets within the region quickly.

Rich ISP Resources in Brazil

CDNetworks peers with ISP providers from all of the major networks in Brazil to deliver content with low latency and optimal performance.

Brazil ISPs
CDN in Brazil

Solutions and Products

Web Performance Icon

Web Performance

Maximize the performance and reliability of your website and applications
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Media Delivery Icon

Media Delivery

Enhance the quality, speed and experience for your users around the world
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Cloud Security Icon

Cloud Security

Proven technology paired with comprehensive technical support to keep your business safe
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Edge Application

Edge Application

Optimize and deliver rapid-speed user experiences while cutting costs and increasing ROI
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Colocation Services Icon

Colocation Services

Fully managed dedicated hosting services, including Cloud Storage and Cloud Hosting
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Cloud Computing Icon

Cloud Computing

On-demand delivery of compute power and database storage
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