Security Glossary: Cybersecurity

Failover Solutions

Failover is a crucial process in high availability and disaster recovery strategies, where operations are automatically transferred to a redundant standby site, system, or component in the event of a failure or unavailability of the primary system. The objective of failover is to ensure minimal disruption to services and maintain continuous operations, even in the face of hardware, software, or network issues.

In a typical failover setup, a primary system performs the regular operations, while a secondary system remains on standby, ready to take over if the primary system encounters a problem. The switch from the primary to the secondary system can be triggered by various events, such as hardware failures, software crashes, network outages, or planned maintenance.

Failover can be implemented at different levels, including:

  1. Server Failover: In a failover cluster, if the primary server fails, a standby server takes over its responsibilities. This ensures that applications and services remain available to users.
  2. Database Failover: A database failover mechanism promotes a read replica or standby database to become the primary database in case the original primary database crashes or becomes unavailable.
  3. Network Failover: Network failover involves switching traffic from a failed network component, such as a router or switch, to a redundant component to maintain network connectivity.

Failover can be configured to be automatic, where the system detects the failure and switches to the standby mode without human intervention, or manual, where an administrator must initiate the failover process. Automatic failover is preferred for critical systems where downtime must be minimized.

To ensure the effectiveness of a failover system, regular testing and maintenance are essential. This includes verifying that the standby systems are up to date, capable of handling the load, and able to seamlessly take over operations when needed. Implementing a robust failover strategy is key to achieving high availability and resilience in IT infrastructure.