CDN Glossary

DNS Load Balancing

Load balancing is a crucial technique used to enhance the availability and performance of network services by evenly distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers. This approach ensures no single server bears too much demand, thereby reducing the risk of server overload, ensuring smoother operation of websites and internet applications, and improving user experience.

In the context of websites and internet services, load balancing plays a fundamental role. It not only helps in managing the traffic efficiently but also contributes to speeding up both private networks and websites. Without load balancing, most websites and internet applications would struggle to function correctly or route traffic effectively, leading to potential service disruptions and performance issues.

A key component of this ecosystem is the Domain Name System (DNS), often likened to the internet’s phone book. DNS translates human-friendly website domain names (like into numerical IP addresses, a process known as DNS resolution. This functionality is analogous to a phone book connecting names to phone numbers. DNS resolution is critical because it allows web servers to identify sites and connected devices without requiring users to memorize long sequences of numbers to access applications and websites.

During DNS resolution, user browsers initiate DNS queries or requests to ascertain the correct list of IP addresses for their destination websites from a DNS server. DNS-based load balancing takes this a step further by distributing traffic across multiple servers, enhancing overall availability and performance. This is achieved by providing different IP addresses in response to DNS queries, effectively spreading the traffic load.

There are various methods and rules employed by DNS load balancers to decide which IP address to provide in response to a query. One common technique is Round-robin DNS, a simple method where each server is assigned a turn in a fixed order. This method cycles through a list of servers, distributing client requests evenly, albeit without considering the current load or capacity of each server.

In summary, load balancing, particularly when integrated with DNS resolution, is a key component in maintaining the efficiency, reliability, and performance of internet services. It enables organizations to manage network traffic effectively, ensuring high availability and optimal performance of their digital services.