CDN Glossary

Application Delivery

Application delivery performance is a key focus area for enterprise IT departments, emphasizing the need to deliver business-critical applications to end-users in a manner that is reliable, secure, and with minimal latency. This concept revolves around the effective deployment and management of applications to ensure optimal performance, availability, and user experience.

Traditionally, IT departments have concentrated on optimizing how applications are architected and managed within the data center. This involves overseeing the infrastructure, such as servers and networks, and ensuring that the applications are running efficiently and securely on this infrastructure. This approach, while essential, primarily addresses the internal aspects of application performance management and may not fully account for external factors that significantly impact the user experience.

However, with the increasing trend of applications being delivered over the public Internet, this inside-the-data-center perspective is no longer sufficient. In today’s digital landscape, many business applications are accessed remotely by users, often over vast distances. The performance of these applications, therefore, heavily depends on the quality of the Internet connection between the user’s device and the origin data center. This dependency introduces new challenges in ensuring application performance, as factors like network congestion, geographical distance, and the varying quality of Internet service providers come into play.

These external factors can significantly impact the speed and reliability with which applications are delivered to end users. Issues such as latency, packet loss, and jitter become critical considerations. The IT department, therefore, must extend its focus beyond the traditional data center infrastructure and consider strategies for optimizing application delivery over the Internet. This includes the use of content delivery networks (CDNs), application delivery controllers (ADCs), and other technologies that can help mitigate the impact of a less-than-ideal Internet connection.

In summary, application delivery performance in the modern enterprise not only involves managing and optimizing the data center resources but also requires a comprehensive approach that considers the end-to-end path from the data center to the user’s device, over the public Internet. This holistic view is essential for ensuring that applications are not only functional and secure but also consistently deliver a high-quality user experience regardless of where the user is located.